Yamamoto A-08S and Audio Note ANe

Would the Yamamoto A-O8S be able to drive Audio Note ANe LX HE speakers?

A generous friend lent me his Audio Note Kit one with upgraded resistors, caps and output transformers (See my system pics). It has no problem driving my hi eff AN-e's. Startling presence and simply a "There" sound. Dynamics are excellent no sense of strain at moderate volumes.

Have been listening to small group jazz and chamber classical so far. Will try some larger orchestral and rock music at higher volumes this week.

I wonder if Paul Speltz zero transformers would fully address the impedance issue that audiofeil referred to
Off subject I know, but do you really feel there is low correlation between price and performance Audiofiel. Granted, there are a large number of products which give poor value for money, but if you take reputable companies with good solid engineering, I think you do get what you pay for.
With amps, the like of Pass, Ayon, ARC, conrad johnson, I believe quality is fairly well correlated with price and you do get what you pay for. This seems to be improving over time. I have been in and out of HiFi since the late 70's and my recall is, there were many more dire products around then than now.
Whether you pay too much, is another matter. Talking to a manufacturer recently about costing, he thought the material and labour content of say a top speaker, was 25 to 33% of the cost. The rest was marketing, dealers distributors mark ups etc