Proper use volume control?

1) To move the soundstage forward or back to where it should be or where you like it.

2) To get fuller details from PPP to all the way to FFF.

3) To get the room playing as loud as you imagine/remember in a concert hall/stadium setting.

4) To "fill the room" without creating unwanted wall and other reverberations/resounances.

5) Any other reasons.
My volume controls work like this:

Turn clockwise and volume increases. Turn counter-clockwise and the volume decreases.

Is this normal? Anybody else experience this phenomenon?

Thanks in advance.
"Turn clockwise and volume increases. Turn counter-clockwise and the volume decreases."

Audiofeil - It doesn't work. I turned and turned, clockwise and counter-clockwise but volume stayed the same.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, It's clear to me now. By dialing in the correct amount of gas I can find the right spot between excitement lifting away and shimmying. Now if I could relate this to the use of a volume control, I'll be good.
Nobody has mentioned if a stepped volume control is better than diodes,or are resistor ladders the only true way?
How about Diodes?

Who makes the most transparent volume control?

If you have to crank the volume thingee all the way to 5 pm is that good or bad.

What about unity gain?

Ah yes, the simple volume gadget.