warm sounding amp suggestions???????

I currenlty have a B&K ST202 with the B&K 10 pre-amp,and jolida CD player. All paired with Alon II speakers. THey sound great but looking for suggestions on other warmer sound ss amps <1k?
12-08-10: Toetapfactor
"IMO, you dont need tubes to get a warmer sound these days..and forgetabout the expense and upkeep of tubes!!McIntosh,Pass Labs yadayadayada"

So, what's your point? Do you have a recommendation?

Dvdgreco, Look for a Forte 1a, stock Moscode 300 or a Moscode 401HR depending on your budget.
moscode 300 what price range do they sell for?

i noticed many people modify them, what should i look for in a modified unit?