Is the moscode 300 the Best $600 used amp?

looking for a warm, natural sounding amplifier to add to a jolida cd, Alon II speakers, B&K 10pro pre-amp. I looking for natural warm tuby sound. your recommendations are welcomed. My eye is on a used moscode 300, are there others i should consider??????
hybrid amps such as the moscode have much in power but never that tube like sound many enjoy in pure breeds. To say its the best would determine placement with your own,. I would think that since you have a B&K pre why not go with an older B&K amp such as the 202 plus or 200 mono.
The Moscode 300 is one of the best $600 amps if you can find one that has not been modified to death. It does, in fact, have a warm powerful sound. I sold a Moscode 300 to a friend several years ago and he would not give it up for anything. He has used it with Quicksilver and Audio Research preamps driving electrostatic speakers.
If you're going that route,ensure you get complete disclosure from the seller regarding transformer hum.Common issue with 300's.