Is the moscode 300 the Best $600 used amp?

looking for a warm, natural sounding amplifier to add to a jolida cd, Alon II speakers, B&K 10pro pre-amp. I looking for natural warm tuby sound. your recommendations are welcomed. My eye is on a used moscode 300, are there others i should consider??????
Going from a B&K ST140 to a Moscode 600 is more than a step up. How do you compare a wimpy 105 watt amplifier that falls apart into a 4 ohm load to a 300 watt amplifier that doubles down into a 4 ohm load?
Moscode 300 will be a huge step up from the B&K. To me the biggest differences will be improved dimensionality, tonality and detail (w/o being over analytical). Just my opinion. I have owned both the 300 & 600 Moscodes (stock & modded). Moscodes are a great value!
Rrog, I'll tell you how. Because the OP's question was about sound not specs. And while an amp's sound is affected by the load, every amp, if operated within it's comfort zone, has an intrinsic character. Now, what can you tell us about these amps' sound? Am I the only one who has owned "wimpy" 25W amps that sound infinitely better than certain 300W monsters?
Frogman, The OP's question is about the Moscode 300. However, your response was about the Moscode 600 compared to B&K ST140. There is no comparison sonically or otherwise. Please try to stay on the subject here.
Rrgo, while I really have no interest in a pissing contest, it must be pointed out (since you apparently don't know the sound of these amps), that both BK amps, as well as both Moscodes, share a very strong family resemblance; so my comments are very applicable. I will endeavor to, in the future, be more clear for the sake of those less informed.My bad. BTW, I and many others feel that the 300 is the better sounding of the two Moscodes.