Amplifier upgrade suggestions

Greetings, my system consists of a Rega P25 turntable audio-Technica Cartridge: 150 MLX a Conrad Johnson PV-2a preamp Adcom GFA-555ii amplifier Martin logan CL-II's and a Velodyne HGS-12X subwoofer

The adcom amplifier starts to clip at high passages and I am looking at suggestions to replace it

I was thinking about getting another 555 but Ive read that they dont perform well on bridge mode,
my budget is around 300-600
and I have seen some Carver amps on that price range..

Thanks and Happy Holidays
Divest yourself of the Adcom brand period and stay away from Carver amps.Save an extra $500,at a $1000 price point you will be able to find an amp that will do justice to the ML's.
Many years ago I owned the Adcom GFA 555 MKII. When higher volumes were demanded, it would clip and I even had efficient speakers. Back then going from the Adcom to a McCormack amp was a revelation for me in all areas.