Phono Stage or TT upgrade

Ok gang, here is the current quandry. To upgrade my phono stage or my TT. System as of now

Dynavector D 17 MK II Karat ( love it and it will stay )
Rega P 25 w/ RB 600, VTA adjust and no other mods.
Dynavector P 75 MK I phono pre

Ayre K1Xe Line Stage
Ayre V3 w/ Rev 3 boards and Ayre Conditioner
Dunlavy SC-IV improved

I just sold a Tom Evans Groove + SRX and wish I had never tried it in the system. It was more explosive, coherent, deeper, faster and open than the Dynavector P-75.
I have a chance to do a change to a VPI Classic with the HXR center weight and keep using my D-17 MK II and P 75 MK I. Local sale and known seller. I love the Scout and Scoutmaster but have not spent any time with the classic.
The other option would be to upgrade the phono stage. I am not afraid of tubes but QUIET is an absolute necessity. I am just over chasing down a noisy 12AX7 or 6SN7 every few months.
Overall I am looking for more slam ,speed and dynamics than the current combo. My budget is in the $1500-2000 range and fairly strict at the upper limit.

Any ideas?
It is not clear to me why you sold the Groove if it was that much better; why not sell the P 75 and get another one. I have found it best to stay with what I know I like and that for you sounds like the Groove. I am a dealer for both VPI and Dynavector and have had both the Classic and the P 75 so I am familiar with them. They are both good units which can be bettered for more money but are great values. The Classic and Scoutmaster do not sound alike but are of comparable quality, it would be a personal choice which you should get. A friend just sold his loaded Classic and bought a P 25; he likes the sound of the VPI better but decided to downsize his system. Another friend uses a Scout with Superplatter with his Dunlavy or Duntech speakers[I forget which]. In short, you will improve the sound by either switch, which one you will like more is a question no one else can answer.
If you like your Rega table, consider moving up the line, to either the P3-24, or the P5.
"Slam, speed and dynamics" - For a turntable I would recommend the Well Tempered Amadeus but that is going to be above your stated $2000 limit, even used. If you go the phono stage route and want the phono stage to be DEAD QUIET as well as helping you obtain more slam, speed and dynamics, I recommend a used Nagra BPS.