Naim or Octave with Dynaudio Confidence C1

After an inordinately long search, I have definitely decided to purchase the Dynaudio Confidence C1 speakers. I think they are amazing speakers. I recently auditioned them with the Naim separates, the 202 preamp and 200 power amp and a Naim CD player. I thought the system sounded great, intimate, sweet, clean, and transparent. Having read a lot of great comments about the Octave V70 amp, should I audition that as well or conclude my search? I have a 12 by 20 room and listen to jazz, vocals, Brazilian, r&b and other generally non bombastic music.
Go for the Octave with black box. I am a C1 and Octave V70se owner. My local dealer has both Naim and Octave and in my opinion the Octave sounds better.
Thanks for the response. A few more questions, if I may. What is the significance of black box? Where is your dealer? What kind of maintenance is involved with the Octave? What did you like better about the Octave sound? Did you listen to the Naim separates I mentioned -- I'm not a fan of the Supernait which many team with the C1s.
It was the supernait I compared to not separates. The black box adds 4X capacitance (super black box is 10X) which really lowers the noise floor and adds authority/control to the music. Kind of the same as Naims flatcap/supercap/hicap etc. As far as maintenance it has tubes. The bias is stupid simple and shouldn't need to be adjusted unless rolling output tubes. Personally I prefer the EL34 tubes over the KT88's and 6550's so changing the tonality is just to swap out some tubes (can't do that with SS).
Hi, Thanks for your responses. I guessed right that you had heard the supernait. I'm not a fan of that amp -- it is too forward for me and not very refined. The separates are more laid back and much more refined but still with the Naim pace and oomph. How would you describe the Octave amp sonically? Enjoy your system. I'm sure it is great. I think the C1s are incredibly special speakers. What cd player did you choose to go with this set up?