Naim or Octave with Dynaudio Confidence C1

After an inordinately long search, I have definitely decided to purchase the Dynaudio Confidence C1 speakers. I think they are amazing speakers. I recently auditioned them with the Naim separates, the 202 preamp and 200 power amp and a Naim CD player. I thought the system sounded great, intimate, sweet, clean, and transparent. Having read a lot of great comments about the Octave V70 amp, should I audition that as well or conclude my search? I have a 12 by 20 room and listen to jazz, vocals, Brazilian, r&b and other generally non bombastic music.
Handsomeck - Where are you located? Your Dyn dealer could contact Dynaudio and ask for an Octave demo. They have been known for doing that. If I'm not mistaken Octave has only been in the USA for about 2 years. I also have the V70SE which I got just before the RMAF where it was introduced. I never heard the V70.
Don't know about the Octave, but a nap 200 can't drive the C1 properly. ( it was even struggling with a nap 300 )
I would think that you want a bit more power with the C-1's than a Supernait will provide - 150 good solid-state watts. I'm absolutely not advocating running them with a high-powered amp (I think most high powered amps sound like shit), but a really good solid-state amp putting out around 150 watts would seem to be helpful with Dyns, which unfortunately require power (I think the C-1's are less efficient than my 3.3's were, and it's not just efficiency - power makes Dynaudios come alive).

Nothing against the Supernait - it's a super little piece - just not with this speaker, I wouldn't think.
Thanks everyone. I haved nagged the Dynaudio guys about getting an Octave demo in my area. They haven't been able to do it yet. I have heard before that the C1s need a lot of power (and I'm not interested in the supernait -- it is too forward and not refined enough for me) but I have heard the Naim separates on more than one occasion in a room that is similar to mine in size and the power seemed adequate and the dynamics not compressed. Maybe it's my ears. Also, I tend to listen to music that is not bombastic. I'm also told that the Naim's high voltage amps are more meaningful than amps in a cheap power amp. I don't know if that's true or bs. I am going to try to listen to the Octave if I get a chance.
my C1s hit the power guard on a 200w McIntosh integrated.

tube watts and ss watts are different due to distortion---but those Octave pieces can be had much cheaper if you stick to US companies. they are just basic KT88 integrated amplifiers.