Naim or Octave with Dynaudio Confidence C1

After an inordinately long search, I have definitely decided to purchase the Dynaudio Confidence C1 speakers. I think they are amazing speakers. I recently auditioned them with the Naim separates, the 202 preamp and 200 power amp and a Naim CD player. I thought the system sounded great, intimate, sweet, clean, and transparent. Having read a lot of great comments about the Octave V70 amp, should I audition that as well or conclude my search? I have a 12 by 20 room and listen to jazz, vocals, Brazilian, r&b and other generally non bombastic music.
Hi Audioquest4life, Thanks for your very informative, kind posting. One question, have you ever auditioned Naim separates, and if so, how would you compare their sound to the Octave amp? Thanks.

Sorry, I have not had a chance to audition Naim separates. I have owned in the past a pair of Bryston 4BSST's to drive the B&W N800's and although it was a good combination, it was not as musical as the Octave was on those speakers. I am pretty sure that almost any Octave speaker combination will yield the same results. The Naim products do look like they are reliable and are built to last. I highly suggest that you do a comparison of the two if possible.

The Naim separates with a Naim CD player are super musical. The most musical ss amps I've heard. I'd love to audtion the Naims against Octave. Unfortunaely, I'd have to go to Chicago to do that because no New York dealer is offering Octave at the present time.
That is too bad. It would be great to hear some comments from others who have heard each of these products. Usually, that is very rare. The Octave line is very new in the Unoted States and thus unfortunately it will be hard to find dealers with the products.

Does anyone know how Octave's designer gets that many watts from only 4 power tubes and why the power increases from 40 to 70 watts without an increase in power tubes between the V40 and V70?