Atma-Sphere MA-1 Mk.3.1 Vs. Atma-Sph. MA-2 Mk.3.1

Hello to all and thanks in advance for looking at my post.

I am in the process of upgrading my soundsystem:
1-Speakers:Tannoy GRF 15'' Dual Concentric Gold in a refurbished and rewired cabinet. I've ahd these for the last 20 years and I finally have the room to enjoy them (about 900 sq.ft)
2-Oracle turntable with Linn Exos and Dynavector XV-1
3-YBA Diamond IC's, power cords and speaker cables
4-Mac Mini with Ayre QB-9 DAC running AIFF files
5-Atma-Sphere MP-1 Mk.3 w phono preamp

6-What amps should I choose between the MA-1 or the MA-2?

I currently own a YBA alpha 2 preamp and power amp. I have them on my system since 2003 and after looking at several posts on Audiogon, it seems OTL 's are the way to go with the Tannoys.
I have settled on Atma-Sphere for their quality build, their reputation and continued support of their products. Marketing and sales pitch aside, I can grab good deals on both the MA-1's and the MA-2's...The price difference is significant, but I feel the more power I can get, the better it is? I would appreciate your inputs on which one to choose if money was no object?
What are the specs on your Tannoy speakers (sensitivity, nominal impedance, min impedance, etc...)? It all depends on how difficult a load the Tannoys present to the partnering amp and how load you like to play your music.
In everyday life I do not listen to music too loud. Good presence and dynamics at a low to mid volume level is mostly what i am looking for...By the way, the tannoys are very sensitive speakers and cannot be bi-amplified...
Hello Don. The begnign impedance of the vintage Tannoy DC's makes for the perfect marriage with OTL amplification.

Each and every model of the Atmasphere OTL amplifiers will be more than capable to drive your Tannoy Golds regardless of level you wish to listen at....a superlative choice by the way and a marriage made for each other.

Absolutely no need whatsoever for the additional power of the MA-2 unless your listening in a concert hall.

BTW: It is relatively easy configure the crossover to accomodate biamplification should you choose to go that route.

All the best.