Atma-Sphere MA-1 Mk.3.1 Vs. Atma-Sph. MA-2 Mk.3.1

Hello to all and thanks in advance for looking at my post.

I am in the process of upgrading my soundsystem:
1-Speakers:Tannoy GRF 15'' Dual Concentric Gold in a refurbished and rewired cabinet. I've ahd these for the last 20 years and I finally have the room to enjoy them (about 900 sq.ft)
2-Oracle turntable with Linn Exos and Dynavector XV-1
3-YBA Diamond IC's, power cords and speaker cables
4-Mac Mini with Ayre QB-9 DAC running AIFF files
5-Atma-Sphere MP-1 Mk.3 w phono preamp

6-What amps should I choose between the MA-1 or the MA-2?

I currently own a YBA alpha 2 preamp and power amp. I have them on my system since 2003 and after looking at several posts on Audiogon, it seems OTL 's are the way to go with the Tannoys.
I have settled on Atma-Sphere for their quality build, their reputation and continued support of their products. Marketing and sales pitch aside, I can grab good deals on both the MA-1's and the MA-2's...The price difference is significant, but I feel the more power I can get, the better it is? I would appreciate your inputs on which one to choose if money was no object?
Thanks for your insights Ecclectique...I was told by a friend that my room was too small for the MA-2 but perfect for the MA-1...I just thought that the more power could translate in more dynamics at low to mid volume, something my YBA is not very good at...The music starts to open up only at one quarter volume level...Concerning this, the seller of the MA-2 said : ''Only power corrupts absolutely. The difference between reproduced music and live is largely the dynamic component. You get that with power''
Hi Don. I don't mean to sound condencending, however... to keep things in perspective here regarding the sellers statement of power being the dynamics component to capture the dynamics of live music is way off base here.

To give you some perspective. I grew up listening to Tannoy Reds and Golds from my early childhood until I went to college and left home in the mid 70's.

In the late 90's, we moved to a home with a huge room [42 ft x 32 ft with a 16ft ceiling]

The room was set up as a dedicated sound room for music.

My main speakers are the Tannoy Westminsters [first versions] fitted with vintage 15 in Tannoy Golds with custom crossovers and powered with Atmasphere MA-2 MK-2's.

At the turn of the millenium, a close friend was a dealer for Atmasphere and brought by all kinds of amplifiers to play with. Hi and low powered tube amps... push pull, single ended triodes,ultra linear as well as big s/state stuff from Levinson, YBA, Macintosh etc.
I have had the pleasure of auditioning ever model of the Atmasphere amplifiers in my rig as well as many others.

Regardless of what model of Atmasphere amplifiers were used....I would be willing to wager that very few people would be able to ascertain which model Atmasphere was driving the Tannoy regardless of volume. Each and every model would produce an undistorted sound pressure level that would drive any sane music lover right out of the room.

In regards to your room: If it were me, I would buy the MA-60 or MA-30 and bank the difference. Either one will bring the musicians into your room.

All the best on your quest.

Hello Donfibre,

Buy the biggest Atmasphere amp you can afford and enjoy ..

I can't deny Ecclectique's assertion given his long experience directly with the question at hand but I have invariably lusted for more power. It is probably a silly leftover instinct when I was first buying good gear and a big amp had 60wpc. I have found with time and experience that it is the overall quality of the amp that ends up revealing greater dynamics and inner detail etc.
It is your money but my own choice of amps is quite conservative powerwise. I use mainly two tube amps a 60 watt integrated and 78 watt monoblocs. The speakers BTW in a big room are 92Db but absolute min impedance is low at 3.6 Ohm despite the nominal 8 Ohm rating. Tannoys do not drop thier impedance like my Focals do. Thus you're safe either way. FWIW I have heard both the 60 watt Atma (on special Coincidents) and the 100+ watt Atma many times and did prefer the bigger one (on Avalons). I have never heard the next one up you are considering.
Atma-Sphere amps are wonderful and the MA-1 and MA-2 are remarkably capable of driving a broad range of speakers. The key in matching an Atma-Sphere amp to a speaker is to think about the speaker impedance curve and phase shift. To drive speakers lower minimum impedances, choose an Atma-Sphere amp with more tubes. The greater number of tubes increases the ability of the amp to deal with low impedance speakers.

The big difference between the MA-1 and the MA-2 is, surprisingly, not a matter of power output, it's a matter of being able to drive a lower impedance speaker. Sure the power output is different, but the greater number of tubes in the MA-2 allows it to drive pretty much ANY speaker whereas the MA-1 will be happier with somewhat higher and more benign impedance curves.

I use MA-2 amps to drive my Avalon Eidolon speakers that have a nominal 4 ohm impedance, but do not drop below 3.6 ohms and otherwise have a fairly smooth impedance curve. The MA-1 will just not be as comfortable with that 3.6 ohm minimum impedance.

If your Tannoys have a nominal impedance of 8 ohms or greater, and if the minimum impedance doesn't drop below 6 ohms, the M-60 will probably match well. If the nominal or minimum impedance is lower, then look to the MA-1 or MA-2, with the MA-2 being the better choice the lower/steeper the impedance curve.

Your best resource will be to call Ralph and ask him about your specific speakers. He's likely to know other A-S amp owners with your speakers and he will give you good advice you can trust.

Atma-Sphere amps are superb, and I applaud your decision to focus on finding the right Atma-Sphere amps to work in your system. Good luck!