Buy new integrated or vintage?

Hi Group,
Hoping to get a few thoughts on the buying of new or "vintage gear". Newcomer here so apologies if this is a haggard question. I have been looking for over a year now for a well built 2 channel integrated and have even sent a few back that I have been dissapointed with. Looking in the under a grand range. Its amazing that I keep getting side tracked into older used gear because it looks so much better built. I am coming from a 25 year old Sony ES integrated which has been an amazing value and trouble free. Should I replace filter caps and a cranky Alps "blue" pot and call it a day? I would appreciate any thoughts from those who have waffled over this situation.
Thanks, Smitty
Bryston is a name I am fimilar with having been in studios where they are the monitor power source. Thanks for the suggestion. My project studio has a Hafler power/monitor/system setup but I am looking for an integrated for a living area apart from the studio. It would however also be used to monitor mixes as well. It's always good to listen to mixes on "consumer grade" equipment as this will be the type of system the majority of listeners will have. I think Phaelon hits the nail on the head with the realization that I can not find the build quality I have without spending a lot more today! It seems however, that 1980 prices are not really relative to todays when electronics generally have gotten cheaper. My guess is supply and demand for two channel stereo is relativly small as apposed to flat screen TV's and I Pods.

Thanks for your suggestions, this is a great forum and feel fourtunate to have found it. I will be hanging around checking on gear for sale and probably asking a few more questions.

You might very well be able to score a used Anthem 225 for around $1K or so, and that is one heck of a great integrated amp. Tremendous value, and built like a tank.
I sent back a Yamaha A S700 which I was less than impressed with. It seemed like a step backwards from my 30 year old Sony ES. I also sent back the Onkyo a-9555 which I was very dissapointed with, given all the reviews and hype generated by this amp. I would have chosen the Yamaha over the Onkyo easily. In defense of the Onkyo, it was an inexpensive amp, I took the chance, foolishly fooled by all the hoopla!

The Anthem looks interesting, certainly has the look of a well made unit. Thanks for the tip.

Smitty - Anthems punch well above their weight class. One system in our home is a hybrid 2-channel/HT. The Anthem Statement A5 amplifier does double duty, and it is more than good enough to not be sonically embarrassed by the 2-channel gear, which consists of an ARC Ref-3, ARC PH7, Well Tempered Amadeus, McIntosh MCD500, Verity Fidelio Encores, and a Rel B2. When I first set this system up, I initially thought that the Anthem would not be able to hold its own with the other higher priced gear. But after a couple of months of listening, I realized that the A5, just like the Anthem 225, is another example of great sonic value. And Anthem (Sonic Frontiers) provides great customer service.