Silent Running Audio vs Minus-K under tube amps

Has anyone had experience comparing the results of isolating tube amps with Silent Running Audio platforms versus using an isolation platform such as a Minus-K (or similar). I recently placed a Minus-K BM-8 platform under an non-suspended high mass turntable and was amazed at the improvement in the sound. I am trying to decide if the Minus-K would work as well for tube amps or would the Silent Running Audio Ohio Class platforms be a better choice. I have the amps on Grand Prix Monaco stands with the Formula carbon/kevlar shelves but I can feel significant vibration getting to the amps from the sub-woofers in my speakers (Vandersteen 5A's). The amps are sitting within a foot of the speakers due to short speaker cables. Thanks.
Here's something that might interest you;

With a turn table on top of a SR Ohio base placed on a audio stand, while the needle is on the record; taping the actual stands pillars and other parts or the actual platform could hear the noise clearly threw the speakers.

Using a Symposium Ultra platform did th same thing and could still hear it clearly but more of a thud sound.

Using the Minus K, absolutely nothing ZERO!

That was very interesting indeed.
Hi Atmasphere, I would also think that this would greatly benifit any tube gear placed on top also, I was pleasantly surprised with my findings.

Your thoughts in relation to this.
I guess my worry with placing amps on complete isolation stands is the thought that very few amps are "voiced" on isolation stands. It seems that amp designers will create a amp and then "tweak" the circuit/materials with listening tests to get the final design. It would not be surprising if Lamm uses SRA bases for his final testing of his amps (though I have read that he designs amps by theory and less by listening) and therefore would know that optimal performance of the amp can be reached using a specific base.

Some folks on Audiogon have commented on other threads that they prefer certain passive stands over active isolation stands for amps (the sound can be less 'lively' with active isolation). Perhaps whatever vibrations (or micro-vibrations) that are getting into the amps are "helping" the overall sound of the amp.

I replicated Dev's "tapping" experiment with my turntable and Minus-K platform. I have the same results as Dev

The Minus-K is an amazing piece of equipment. Turntables clearly benefit from isolation (perhaps almost complete isolation). I would love to be able to "audition" a Minus-K under each tube amp prior to purchase.....but that can't happen