hi rrog:
i have quad esls. i have used a variety of tube amps, including the quicksilver mid monos and the vtl delxe 120s. i think quads, sound less fatiguing with a classic tube amp, such as one of the older cj amps--mv 45, mv 75, mv 100 or mv 125, than any ss amp.
i have been looking for a ss amp, to extract more nass extension and impact. i have auditioned a couple only to be dissatisfied with the uperr midrange and lower treble frequencies.
i also own magnepan 1.6s. again using some ss amps, my objection to them mirrors my experience with that of the quad esls.
i should also mention that i owned the quad 63s, using my vtls and again seeking a ss amp. i again found the very same problem i experienced with the magnepan and esl, when interfacing a ss amp with the 63.
i am beginning to conclude that quads and ss amps create frequency response anamalies. it sounds like clipping, but i'm not sure why there would be a problem with quads, ss amps and higher frequencies.
is there some explanation ?