Magnum Dynalab 308 drive Magnepan 1.7 or 3.6?

I own a Magnum Dynalab 308 integrated amp (currently being repaired). It states it is 160 watt into 4 ohm. I would like to buy a pair of Maggies. I hear my amp would be fine driving the 1.7s. But maybe not the 3.6s.

I do have a large living/dining combo room that these will be in, wood floors...

Any thoughts? Thanks
Thank you, Noble. I must say that it is taking FOREVER to get the 1.7s. Just got word that I will get them on the 17th. This will be a total of 10 weeks (!) from when I purchased them. Will update after some break in. But for all you prospective Magnepan buyers out there, be prepared to wait! And wait! And WAIT! Magnepan told me that they are currently quoting 6 weeks for the 1.7s, but this was not my experience...
mine took 90 days last year. Once you get them, take some warhorse pieces like "night on bald mountain" or like that uses full orchestra loudly,set on repeat, turn amp to preferred volume, exit the room, and come back in 10 hours... they are basically stiff when new and need to flex to gain full transparency. 10 hrs won't be enough for full break in but it should allow you not to fret at the first serious listen. Takes about 100 hours to reach full potential and sounds a bit edgy in the highs during initial break in... this goes away unless the edge is really there from the equipment/cables feeding.
Ctunney, I'm extremely satisfied running my MD 308 with a pair of B&W 803. The MD308 is an Amp for life I tell you.
What other components are connected to this amp?

I'm also achieving superb results when biamping.
