Currently having Pass Lab XP-20 preamp and X350.5 amp, I assum the whole Pass gear would match perfectly, but seems MBL 6010D (2010 model) and Ayre XK-R are excellent. have anyone compared red hot Ayre XK-R preamp with XP-20, is it worthy to spend 6K more for XK-R.
Quanmer ... Glad you like the new Ayre gear . Iv'e been using the KX-R and C5 player for a bit now and am very happy too . I Also feel a bit closer to the singers and musicians . Enjoy ...Tim
Tmsorosk (Tim), my new speaker arrived two days, just set up today, Tidal Contriva Diacera SE, just hear them for 2 hours, first impression.......musical + musical = very very musical.
After 2 weeks with Ayre KX-R + MX-R and Tidal Contriva Diacera SE speakers, everyday has new progress of this combination.
The biggest difference is the treble sounds more open an smoother.
I realize that MX-R sounds better by directly plug them into wall plug, the rest gears are still via Synergistic Research PowerCell 10SE. Which is opposite to my previous Pass Labs finding, all pre and power amp plug on 10 SE was better.
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