Audio Research VS 115 bias Adjustments

Any A-goners familiar with setting bias on the ARC VS115 power amp??

Just checked and set the bias on my VS115 amp. For those who are familiar with the process on this amp, I checked and adjusted the 4 "Set" ports to 65mV, as specified. However, the bias readings from the other 4 "Check" ports ranges from 63-71mV. While technically in "spec" (i.e., 57-73mV for the "Check" ports), I would have thought the range of bias readings from the "Check" ports would not have been that much. As you know, the bias voltage for the "Check" power tubes cannot be adjusted.

As an aside, I only use ARC matched tubes.

Does anyone know whether the range of bias mV readings on the "Check" tubes is normal (whatever that means) or otherwise could result in a denigration of sound??

I'm on the phone with ARC 2-3 times a week lol. Remember the KT-120 is a new tube so as info. becomes available it will be disseminated. If I hear anything, I will let you know. Happy New Year to you as well.

Where are you guys getting this info about new tubes in ARC amps? Their web site does not mention them anywhere and the amp specs still call for 6550c? Why would they make this sudden change after using the same tube for almost ever? What will this do to the supply of 6550?
Hi 6550c: Initially, I picked this up on a forum thread. The information is also reported on (see News tab). Finally, I called ARC.
Yikes! Looks like the new tubes come with a little price increase too. I wonder if this is why I see a few dealer floor samples for sale too?