Preamp or Not

Speakers: B&W 802D
AMP: 2 Plinius SA100 MKIII used as mono
Preamp: Musical Fidelity need upgrade to BAT or Pass Labs?
Source: Arcam fmj CD37

I have bunch of other good equipment in my theater room. The above are my 2-channel audio only set up. I have been thinking of upgrading my pre and CDP because they have no XLR connections. They sound very good but I'd like to use the balance connections. I just found an Esoteric SA50 player which apparently can be connected to the amplifier directly, therefore, eliminating the need for a preamp.


Since I have a very high gain amp and some external distortion and noise issues, would I be better off with a preamp and a source or just go directly from source to the amps. If there are no setbacks with this kind of set up, I can eliminate one component and save some $ in the process.

I would love to hear from members with similar experience and/or familiar with Esoteric SA50.
I forgot to mention that the other day I was hearing a buzz or spit intermitantly on the left speaker and was worried that a tube was going bad or worse one of the amps! After investigating all my connections etc. I found one interconnect was laying directly against a power cord (perpendicularly by the way). This power cord was feeding the preamp and I'll be damned, that was it. Repositioning the interconnect fixed it. When the noise is occuring try taking a wire and touching to both the amp and preamp to see if the noise worsens or lowers. Do you have a friend with a different preamp that you could see if this goes away?
Sorry I just reread that you have tried new amps etc. Forgive me for being dense. If you know some one with a power conditioner that may be an easy test. Also several years ago I noticed my lights in my house dimming at erratic intervals. This kept happening and it worried me so I had the electric company take a look at my power. On the outside of your house is a a meter. It is fed on three legs. Each leg must read equal voltage. Mine did not. Upon investigation the power company tech said one of the leads was loose at the box in the back yard. This box fed 2 or 3 houses. It is sounding like you have a power problem in your house. Some fluke meters (voltmeters) have ocilliscope screens so you can take a sample of the power at your outlet and see if there is some large scale noise in your ac supply. Good luck!
Espoverload, A cheater plug is a plug with the old fashion 2 blade connector with the big round ground blade removed. You plug your 3 blade PC into it then you plug it into you outlet.

While it is always nice to have one in the drawer to use if you think you might have a ground loop, or where it is, I doubt that is your problem based on the sound you are describing.
Thanks both for your comments. A long time ago I had a similar problem with My B&W 803N. I asked my dealer and he said make sure nothing is connected to TV or Cable. I disconnected my CD/DVD from TV and that fixed the problem. The hiss is identical but so far nothing has worked. I am confident the moise is not from any one component since I have at least two of everything and changing amps, preamps, PC, IC, does not help. So I think there is a simple solution but I haven't figured it out yet. I'll keep on trying everything you have suggested and hopefully put this problem behind me and enjoy the music. Thanks all.