Toroidal transformer hum

Please help.

I have a BAT VK-6200 and I can hear a very disturbing hum coming from the amp. It gets so loud at night that I can hear it from 13 feet.
There is no sound coming from the speakers so therefore I ruled out a ground loop problem.

Please advise.
I had the same problem in my last aprtment. Fixed it with a ps audio humbuster. Think I saw one fr sale here recently. But if you buy from ps audio or the similar product from channel islands audio then you will get a 30 day trial period. If it isn't dc on te line, just send it back. Don't recall if there were restocking fees or not.
I had the same problem with my Quicksilver amps.
When I called them they told me if I have them on a shelf to put a carpet under amps and that did fix the problem. It was a vibration causing the hum. Give that a try if it works then you can get something better like a set of isoblocks [cork block] and put them under the feet of your amps!
There is no way that one should be able to here a transformer from 13' away, especially a toroid. Yogiboy may be correct about the shelf agrivating it, but I would assume that the previous posts about DC are along the lines. If you can borrow an isolation transformer, that would be my first thought.