Kondo, Zanden, CJ, Ref 5? Pre w/ Pure Tonal Color?

Hi A'Goners! Happy New Year! I am looking for a no-holds barred (second-hand) preamp that can (at least) maintain the transparency, detail, speed of my CJ ACT 2 but really add dramatically more tonal color, purity, harmonic richness.

My system:

Oppo BDP-83 (Upgrade Company modd'd)
Zanden 5000 Signature DAC
CJ ACT 2 Pre (Series 1)
Gryphon Antileon
Wilson X-1/Grand Slamms
Velodyne DD-18 (in parallel...from 35hz downward)
Transp Ref IC/SC
PAD Dominus/Ann Contego & Sablon Audio PCs
Transp Ref Power Conditioner
Nordost QX4

For background, i used to own SF Strads, and have owned Guarneris and CJ equipment for years...but i recently upgraded to the one speaker i have found in 25 years which i preferred. The Wilson X-1 Grand slamms...which far surpasses the Strads in soundstage, dynamics, detail retrieval and rhythm...as well as bass. And I have found it can be intensely musical...when set up right. (super-sensitive to set up.)

With the Wilson's in, my system today is as musical now as it was with the Strads...but i find with the immense increase in detail, soundstage, bass, rhythm, spaciousness, etc...i feel like if i could find a way to add some additional tonal color to the sound...it might go even one level further!!! (As always...a never-ending pursuit!)

i know many feel Pres should be straight wire and gain. in my case, i think the ACT 2 may be "losing" some color along the way. In particular, i think that my Zanden and Gryphon are quite warm with good tonal purity...and i have read that the ACT 2 compared to some well-regarded Pre's is a little too neutral. (hence why the Series 2 came out quite quickly...within less than 24 months).

thus, i am thinking about changing the ACT 2. Here is my current shortlist...but i am truly open-minded:
- CJ ART 3
- CJ Act 2 (Series 2)
- Audio Note?
- ARC Ref 5

These would all be second-hand and therefore "do-able"

meanwhile, for the right deal, i would also look at:
- Wavac PRT-1
- ARC Ref Anniversary
- Kondo M-10

I MUST hear them for myself in my system...i always keep my own counsel. but it sometimes helps to get the benefit of other people;'s experiences to at least draft my "shortlist" of preamps. I have focused on tubes...but if SS gets you there, say so!

Thanks for any guidance!

You may want to audition the Einstein preamp.I have recently added to my system.Very musical.
May I suggest you give the BAT Rex a good listen in your system. Good luck finding what you're after.

wow! Such great responses! Thank you and keep them coming please!

To: Sebelius, Team 212 and 4musica44107,

Thank you! Shindo sounds fascinating. Having owned the Zanden 5000Sig DAC for 4-5 years now, i really appreciate what the legends (Yamada San, Kondo San and the Shindo family) do for organic, emotive musical sound!

To: Rtn1, Trcnetmsncom and Tom_hankins,

BAT did not occur to me, but i have read great things about the Rex over the years. i will try to find a way to hear it.

Tp: Cerrot, Rocc1007

Thanks and agree about CJ! i have owned CJ for over 10 years now! Did you both mean the ACT 2 Series 2, or the ART 2 (as in the 2nd series of the limited edition Anniversary Reference Triode...which i referred to in my original post as the ART 3...the current 3rd iteration of this legendary pre-amp).

To: Salectric and Ramy

you have each recommended pres which i think you own. I have not heard or come across your preamps before other than reading a little about them.

Ramy - I always understood Einstein to be an extremely transparent, quick and neutral pre. If i am "satisfied" (whatever that means!) with what i have on that score at the moment...but am in search of rich tonal colors, is the Einstein still one you recommend?

Sibelius - i will try to find out more...if you know of a review, blog, or post that you could point me too that would be great!

Thanks to all!
