Best tube pre-amps under $1,000

Looking for warm, open soundstage, with good bass control
I have B&K ST202 amp with Alon II speakers, Jolida 100 cd player.

my current pre is B&K Pro 10MC

I have recieved recomendations for VTL 2.5, Prima Luna prologue 3, juicy music peach, TAD 150.

I agree with you Mingles - he may be getting paralysis by analysis at this point.

For under 1K the choices are pretty limited.

For under 1K the only Modwright is the 9.0SE which is not the tube rectified version - so it may not give the warmth that he needs.
VTL 2.5 probably will - I have only heard the 5.5.
Quicksilver Remote control linestage will and you can tube roll to tailor the sound.
If you really enjoy playing the buy, audition, sell game..."buy one of the pre solutions mentioned above".

If you are tired of this game, do youself a favor..."Buy the Dodd Buffer"!!!!!!!!!!

Best decision I have ever made in the quest for "Audio Nirvana"

Just sayin....
I can't comment on what a new 1K or less pre-amp or less today sounds like, or more importantly how it would sound in a given system. My thoughts would be you would have better results with an acknowledged great preamp from the past maybe 20-25 years ago where you aren't compromising as much to meet a price point.

Any of the older Conrad-Johnson pre-amps would be something to consider as well as ARC maybe an SP-6 or SP-8. CJ's of that era might not be as good in bass control as the ARC's but so far as overall musicality goes, either would beat most of what you will find at 1K new today is my best bet, YMMV. I know where I would go, even an old CAT if you can find one at this price point would be better in almost all ways. You might want to try one. One thing for certain, you aren't going to lose anything for trying as these units can EASILY be resold for what you paid. Do some research and find out what you can. Stereophile archives can help with this. Good CJ include the PV-7, PV-5, PV-10, Premier 3 (good luck with that one!) and pretty much all the PV's.