integrated SET amp for $1000

I need some amplifier recommendations. I am looking for a new or used directly heated SET amp for around $1000. I'm not looking for a kit but I'm not averse to getting an already made DIY amp. I need at least a few watts, probably 3, so I've been looking at 2a3 amps. I don't need anything fancy, just one input, a volume attenuator and something that sounds sweet. I've looked at the almarro a205a but that is a SEP, the decwares, which are not true DH SETs and wright WPA 3.5 monoblocks but those are missing the volume attenuator (I don't want to get into buying a preamp). Are there any decent DH SET integrated amps out there for $1000 or so? Are there any personal favorites that some of you can recommend?
I have Zu Omens and Tekton Katz Meow (not the current model). Can't go wrong with either Lore or Omen IMO.
Sounds like a great choice in amps as well.

Good Luck!!

Thanks Sebrof. I'm not yet committed to the lores and may yet go with the omens depending on what is easier to get here in Canada. I'm not anxious to pay $300+ on shipping. I will likely open up the a205a and install the v-caps.

Incidentally, how hard was it to build your amp from the kit?
Well, kinda hard to answer "how hard" but I have had electronics Bench tech type jobs years ago so I've soldered a lot of things in my day. I think it would be difficult but do-able for someone with zero experience in electronics or soldering, but I would not recommend.
For a non-experienced person I would recommend the Deceare kit or the Elekit TU-879 that uses 6L6s. I have built both and I think that as long as you practice soldering a little till you get good the instructions that come with those should be good enough (especially Elekit, get it from
(especially Elekit, get it from

Sorry about that Victor, Yes from Canada not China.
Also might consider your 300b and 2A3 kits as well.