Berning EA-230 vs RM-10mkII with Merlin VSM

Preamp is a Joule LA 100 mkIII. Curious as to whether anyone has done a direct comparison with these two amplifiers. Any insight is appreciated. Ultimately, I am looking for inner detail and realism, but with warmth ( I think my preamp takes care of some of the warmth). I have been happy with the ea-230, but have heard wonderful things about the Music Reference.
Depends on your room size and volume.Also be aware I sent an amp to MR a few months ago and the bench charge[not parts and labor] was 350$.Those are usually very well reviewed here,Good luck,Bob
The Joule pre that Tmiddle is referring to, I'm the one who bought it from him. It was an LA100 MK3 to be precise which drove a pair of TSM-MX along with a pair of Manley Snappers.

Wondeful combination, the joule providing the romance, and the Snappers with a 100 watts at my convenience, provided control, and neutrality.
Wish I could have kept them, as mentioned by Tmiddle, but also went the Fila way.

Good luck with your search.
Joule/Manley/Merlin is certainly a great combination too. As is the Ars Sonum if you want to make your life simpler and not miss a beat. Seems to be a few folks that want from a Joule/Joule combo to Ars Sonum without looking back. As you know, the amp/speaker interface is the most important, and in the case of the Ars, you practically have an amp specifically tweaked to work with the Merlins - and yes, those 30 watts are more than enough.