Is age bad for solid state amps?

Hi everybody,
I am interested in get an Audio Research 100.2 amplifier.
As I know, the production of these amps was from 1998 to 2003.
I wonder if transistors, capacitors and other electronic parts have some deterioration with age.

I forgot to place the web site of the Yaqin amp's seller.
Here it is:
Is aging a bad thing? Well, yeah - I have swelled-up and I leak a bit now and then. But I can still boogie, baby!
I have swelled-up and I leak a bit now and then. But I can still boogie, baby!
Wow, you must be me, Steve...or maybe I am you???
i should be so lucky to reach the vintage that is steve and swampwalker. mucho respecto. (head bowed down)
Jorge- You flatter me, but to be mentioned in the same sentence w Steve Mc is an honor I do not deserve. I am a consumer of high end audio; Steve is a creator! There is no comparison. But many thanks for the kind words. As far as the OP's question, yes of course everything deteriorates w age ('cept for vintage winos like me and Steve) but unless your particular amp was v early in that model run, or was pushed hard w/o adequate ventilation (heat is a major killer of electronics) its likely to be good for quite some time.

the muddy one