Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
You guys are, of course, right. For myself, I know what I hear in the Supratek, but thought there might be some issues with system capatibility with some others out there, or some reliability issues arising as time goes on, or something better they heard, beyond the issues of the economics of our time (can anyone hear that sucking sound?) or our audiophile brethren's admittedly/notoriously fickle nature. Blips on the screen should be inquired of, I think. In any event, as you all have noted, nice resale.
The Supratek does require tube rolling to gain maximum sound. Perhaps the sellers have not experimented with the tubes, and when compared to other preamps( higher priced preamps) it sounds "lean". To current owners - do take the time to roll the tubes following the advise given in this thread. I am not sure about break-in time, however the action of the knob/contols did smooth-out after 3-4 months.
Any of the supratek preamps that I have seen 4 sale on the GON seem to sell "immediately" at full retail or close to it [depending on condition]and rightly so.I for one...cerainly would have purchased one on the GON if given the opportunity- just to avoid the 9-10 month wait to have it made.The preamp truly is a world class reference product that can compete head on with anything out there- especially if your system is vinyl based.Some may not like its open tube architecture while others consider it an art form.I personally don't care one [way or the other] what "any" equipment looks like as long as it gets me closer to the music.I have 2 legendary Classic tubed preamps to compare it to and can honestly say the supratek will definitively stand the "test of time" and one day also become a cult classic as well.It certainly betters both my ARC SP-10 mk2 and my Luminesence B through the line stage and has the luxury of a remote to boot.The Supratek also betters the sp-10 when a low output moving coil is employed.I still prefer phono stage of the Lumi in my set up, however,to be candid, it is much like comparing fine wine or fine art. Different strokes for different folks!Chosing one over the other is another matter of perspective when it comes to selling.At this particular jucture in my life I would "never" sell my Luminescence and I would have a tough time selling my ARC sp-10 as well[sentimental reasons].I have owned it and enjoyed it immensly since 1985 and it has always been my benchmark for comparison!One day: one or the other will make it to the classifieds and when it does I suppose the fair market value at that time will dictate its worth.I for one would bet on the Supratek at maintaining its value and high demand.If your looking to buy one and the opportunity presents itself? "BUY IT" Its a no-brainer" The world would be a very sad place without music! Enjoy.
What about warranty if you buy second hand, is it transferable? I'm going to join club of happy Supratek owners somewhere in the future. So I really appreciate this thread.
I am the owner who just sold his just after getting it. Everything was great and build quality is top notch. I was forced to sell to raise $$$ for moving expenses. It takes so long to get one, a lot of things change in 7 months!
I sold mine for full list price and think that it was totally fair. 2650 for the pre and remote, 200 for nos tubes, 130 shipping, 150 for customs, tube dampers 20. Some people emailed me asking why i was selling a "used" preamp over list price. This thing was brand new{ less than 2 weeks} and you don't have to wait 7 months. Do the math and it comes up to over $3k. I know i would have bought it 7 months ago.