Krell Amps/preamp listeing levels -- room size

What are some of your experiences using Krell electronics -- size of amps (Watts), type of speakers, room size and listening at say average volume of 75 - 85 db. What are some of the best combos out there and why. Remember listening @ 75 db avg whether its a 100watt amp or a 900 watt amp or a 30 x 40 ft room or a 12 x 15 ft room, rock classical, anything avg 75 to 85 dbs.
Lets talk people! no ifs -- list your stuff and tell us why. Old stuff and new stuff. Have some fun. Keep it simple and to the point.

KPS-28C, FBP-200C, KCT, Krell Lat-2s
Sounds nice and full at around 60 db and above (higher the better) I have never maxed out my amp! Low level listening is not the greatest -- sounds thin! (KCT volume knob (0 to 150) -- 25 is good -- 55 is loud -- 80db to 90+ db) (Room size 15 x 20)
Krell amps that I had two 100watt experience is that I learned I had much nicer looking knees then I thought. I was always in shorts from the unbearable heat. It was like the oxygen was being sucked out of the room..will never go back to that again.
I had a KSA250 and FPB700cx in a 13x22 and loved the bass in the 250 but the heat/hydro without a cable even hooked up was not for me.The 700 had thin bass and that was a huge letdown for me.I donnot mind heat/hydro when 110db is flowing through the room but not 12amps/1440watts at idle.I used a HTS 7.1/SACD Standard combo with the amps with great results.
Man I can understand the heat issue with the KSA250 standing still or operating, The newer amps don't have "quite" the heat issue like that series and prior (unless your rocking out at high decibels for extended periods of time). My EVO302 gives off a little more heat but nothing like the old series -- My fbp-200c stays pretty cool as does my KSA-100S.
I'am curious and one of my points of this discussion was to see what equipment, the size room and the decibels people are pushing (thats why I stated my basic parameters for comparison sake). It seems in all the post everywhere -- everyone has a blanket statement one way or the other. I'am not looking for better amp or better sounding or blown away but good usable info.
I appreciate your input -- now with the monster 700cx do you feel the bass slam was absent in relation to volume (lower volume no slam until you hit a certain volume). I always felt huge wattage amps (fine for huge rooms and high volume - I'am not talking about which amp is better, because I feel Krell amps are great sounding amps at any wattage) People always state oh extra headroom is always better (example evo 900 mono versus FBP200c in the same size room around the same decibels as originally stated will always sound "Better" -- I don't know Loud is loud) -- well I have had huge amps and I prefer the 100 to 300 watt amps -- I have never been able to MAX out a Krell even standing down the street and I am a very logical guy -- My KSA-100s -- I have maxed out -- for a very short period of time(all lights on) but it was well over 110 decibels standing in a adjoining room. (Usually I listen at the 2 light level (50watts?)(50 to 80 decibels)-- 3 lights is loud (75 watts?) -- 4 lights (100watts?)
-- so when you had the 700cx do you feel you ever came close to "making it sound reasonable" without it being loud or was there always a thin bass presence at reasonable sound levels (75 to 90 decibels)? (I know the 700cx has a lot of gusto)
What amp do you prefer as far as wattage is concerned because, face it Krell is one of the best and you have heard several versions for comparisions and I think you get what I'am trying to discuss and why.
I appreciate you giving out the info to everyone and being honest man.
Hi Scoutdog
I like to share a good set of songs ,say 6-7 in a row,and build up from a nice mellow start(to adapt to the volume/soundstage/dynamics) and as each new song comes in the volume increases slowly to build to a great finish to end the set.I have found one brand(Krell) that actually gives me a great bass.I just found that the KSA had a better bass for my likings.Even at high clean volumes for a great finish to a set,the 700 just board me.It did what I had read in the past...Fatigued me.And for the cost I thought I would try a KSA300s,so I have put in a wanted ad for one.
I will say that the 700 will find your speakers limits if you want to know it...Again this is for a set of music,not a all night concert at 120db.
Thanks Mclsound for the input,
I brought this question back on the table just to hear some more input -- People make some statements about the size of there amps and why 600 watts is better than 400 watts but they never say the critical question of how loud do you listen to your setup (regular average)-- because 75 to 80 db or 100 db is the same whether your in your room or in australia -- using 900 watt amps or 100 watt amps. What are your setting to make statements like "Better" "blown away" a/b comparisions -- It doesn't matter about difficult speakers or the load, or cables -- Room size and volume will tell you just about everything you need to know about someones setup (Quality gear of course)-- so lets put it on the table. (Note: I cannot for the life of me get my evo302 to max out in a 15 x 20 ft room - let alone my FBP 200c, so what volume are you 400 to 600 watt guys listening to -- headroom is not an excuse its another forum) -- Lets stir it up a little -- don't make me name names (ha)