Tube Preamp suggestion for the uninitiated

I'm a graduating medical student from UW Madison, and have a relatively limited budget that involves selling off everything I own on ebay in order to afford nice audio equipment. (In case you wanted to know...)

Currently have some TAD Hibachi monoblocks and monitor audio RS6 towers, and I need some tube loving preamplification after my VDAC. I have about $900 but could scrounge up to $1k if deemed quite necessary.

Perhaps advice from someone who knows what they are talking about and has the freedom to buy and try a couple of preamps? Something with nice low end and to smooth out the highs? Please no advice if you've only owned one preamp and like it! That doesn't count!
Okay...well, I caved and went with the TAD-150. I'm sort of inbred here, buying all TAD gear, but I've been thrilled and it appears that many others have out there. Thank you for all of the wonderful advice. I'm going cable shopping now!
Thumbs up on your decision for the TAD-150. I had one for about 3 years or so. It just sounds right, musical, and throws a wide sound stage. If your finding your system dark/bright look to your other components. This preamp is dead neutral. The preamp is built very well but there is one thing to watch for. I was moving my preamp one day and accidentally pushed in one of the plastic display lens for the tubes. They are only attached with adhesive. Enjoy!!!!!