I got my hands on some KenRad Black Glass VT231 from a reputable seller and I tried them on my Syrah. I found that while the sound was great, there was a huge amount of 'wind' coming from the tubes. It wasn't a hum per-se, but it sounded more like I was at the beach, listening to the sea. It was really too much background noise, and it was apparent form both channels equally (that said, the sound was great on all but quiet passages). I'm just wondering whether others have had such an experience with the KenRads, or other tubes. I had believed that these KenRads were perhaps the tube of choice for the Syrah/Chardonnay, but from my experience it wasn't the case. I substitued back in some Sylvania 6SN7s and got better results.
I've since applied the KenRads to my Blue Circle BC2 hybrid amps. There, I found the bass deeper (which matches the KenRad reputation) but perhaps at the expense of some treble - which now seems a bit hidden and less delicate (tubes replaced here were RCA Red Base 5692)s. Anyway, I'm wondering whether I should continue to experiment with tube choice, or just call it quits (I was a little disappointed to spend $125 on the KenRads and not get a bang for the buck). Anyway, I'd welcome thoughts and insights from others on potential other selections (maybe Sylvania VT231s, or 6SN7Ws, or metal based variants??).
On another note, my Syrah is totally kicking ass. It got me into vinyl and I haven't listened to a CD in months. I'm so glad I didn't go with the Chardonnay, but took the vinyl plunge (TT is Teres 135, OL Silver arm, Shelter 501Mk2).
I've since applied the KenRads to my Blue Circle BC2 hybrid amps. There, I found the bass deeper (which matches the KenRad reputation) but perhaps at the expense of some treble - which now seems a bit hidden and less delicate (tubes replaced here were RCA Red Base 5692)s. Anyway, I'm wondering whether I should continue to experiment with tube choice, or just call it quits (I was a little disappointed to spend $125 on the KenRads and not get a bang for the buck). Anyway, I'd welcome thoughts and insights from others on potential other selections (maybe Sylvania VT231s, or 6SN7Ws, or metal based variants??).
On another note, my Syrah is totally kicking ass. It got me into vinyl and I haven't listened to a CD in months. I'm so glad I didn't go with the Chardonnay, but took the vinyl plunge (TT is Teres 135, OL Silver arm, Shelter 501Mk2).