Amplifier heat depending on power cable?


I have an ML No 27 and I've noticed that when using one of my power cables it heats up MUCH more than when using another cable I have.

Both cables are manufactured by small European companies, probably little known in the US (Hifi Cable & Cie from France, Actinote from Belgium)

Does this make sense?

BTW, the sound is better with the less heating up cable.

One other possibility I can think of would be, they may have the ground and neutral tied together, in the cord. If the outlet has a long 14 gauge run, it might have a lot of voltage drop. If the ground and neutral are tied together, it can have a lot less voltage drop feeding it, and give more voltage to the amp. This would be not be the best thing, if this is the case. The electrical code (if any) from some different countries are different from ours, and they may not no our system.
If this system is in France, my post most likely wouldn't apply if its on a 220/230 volt supply.
The use of a Kill-A-Watt plug in meter will allow measurements as well.
Voltage, current, Watts, VA and of course, Power Factor.

Cheap and should be in every kit.
2. As voltage decreases, current increases.
01-23-11: Heyraz
Motors yes, transformers no.... Voltage drop on the primary will cause a voltage drop on secondary proportional to the windings turns ratio.