Tube Monoblocks for heavy music on Khorns

What tube monoblocks would drive Khorns the best for big bass/heavy metal music? I obviously can't go the SET route for the BEST sound. I was thinking about some BIG monoblocks to help the Khorns 15" driver REALLY move. My room is small. I could even experiment with adding a large sub like a Velodyne HGS18 in the future, too. However, price is an issue. Another interesting Idea, what horn speakers can really compete with Khorn for around the same money for reproduction of bass, Etc??
My Rogue Audio monoblocks drive my Klipsch with outstanding results. (Klipsch Kg4, Klipsch Forte).

I expect they would do the same with yours.

You have nailed it!
Any good tube amp with 4 tubes per channel rated at 60-80 wpc into 8 Ohms would prolly suffice. I have used a small older McIntosh SS stereo power amp with great success with 50wpc. he Macs and Klipsch synergize well. I am otherwise a tube devotee. Can you buy Chinese because I really like my Opera Consonance Cyber 800 monoblocks. Quest for Sound has them he is an Agon dealer.I think you really do need substantial power to drive the woofers. You have to compete with the supersentive squawker. I have the same drivers in La Scalas. If you can, you might want to get the X-overs modded as well to give the speakers the best tonal balance. Bob Crites X-overs for instance, check out the Klipsch forums for details and discussion. I avoid subs but that's my preference.
Paul K. once reproduced a full symphony orchestra with 5 watts on his speakers in an auditorium so in a small room I can't see how all that much power would be necessary unless you really want to deafen yourself. If you are looking for the most visceral impact then go SS, for good tube sound 30 or 40 watts should drive you out of the room. A customer once took the Nelson Reed 804s I was demoing up to 108db and it had that effect on me. Remember that rock bass usually isn't all that low; just LOUD.
Don't forget that if you choose a tube amp with a lot of output tubes or one that is biased in Class A, it will likely heat up a small room. If you can easily control the temperature in the room, there would be no issue.