Is it good for a Krell to SIT for 3-5yrs

I have been told that the worst thing you can do is let a big Krell sit in its box for years.I was told the caps all dry out especially if it has not been serviced for 10yrs.I am looking for a KSA 300s but they are all just sitting in the closet then coming out for Big Bucks.Is this not bad for them?
Thank you very much gents.Please keep the posts coming!
I have been looking for a 300s for awhile now and I have found several DEALERS/AUDIOPHILES(people who know better)who donnot care about the next guy and knowingly sell these items at a price that should be asked for a fully serviced/used price.Solo8008 is a prime example(sorry to hear)of this and I want to make it aware for the next generation as they will be the future of hi-end audio.
I still believe these older workhrses can fill a room with joy if they are rebuilt and in good shape.I have learned alot about caps here also.
Thanks for the heads up but I already knew enough to avoid Krell. There's so much other really wonderful stuff out there I can't be bothered with overpriced pretenders.
Not to avoid Krell...Just make sure Dealers/sellers dont take advantage of you.I have been searching for a KSA300s that was a 9/10 and serviced...AND found one that was just recapped last May and in 9/10 condition for a ""FAIR""" price.They are out there.
But funny thing was that I contacted 4 dealers who are selling some 12+yr old amps,never serviced(or maybe only one was out of 2 monoblocks)and act as if there overpriced Item is a DEAL. So watch out.
Well I have to say that the 300s that I am going to sell is a killer amp.It is fully recapped and this is the only way to buy these amps.Do not buy a 17 yr old KSA 300s unless it has been recapped($1500)...unless you get one in good shape for $1500.They have great bass and sonics.I had to get a 600(minimum) for my big speakers.Dont let the critics fool you when they say negative things about this amp.I have had the KSA 250/300s & FPB 600c/700cx.