Petland, Talk to tucker about the mods he did just to find out what was changed. Don't go putting the 5u4g in the preamp until you talk to Mick about it. SupraTek preamps require indirecly heated (slow-start) rectifiers. GZ32, GZ34, GZ33, and GZ37 are okay. Mick uses the GZ37 in his personal preamp. I prefer the GZ33 in mine. Either are less expensive than the NOS Mullard and Amperex GZ34 and they last longer and output more current to boot.
Any of the older NOS 6L6G/6L6GA made by Sylvania, RCA, Tung-Sol or Ken-Rad will do nicely in the SupraTek preamp. I've also used Syl 5932, TS 5881, and RCA 6L6GC blk-plt. Mick uses the 7027a as regulator in his pre. I have several pairs of these but haven't gotten around to trying them out.
For 6SN7 try the RCA grey-glass, Sylvania VT-231, Sylvania 6SN7GT bottom-getter with green lettering, KEN-RAD black glass. There are many more but these are the most notable.
Any of the older NOS 6L6G/6L6GA made by Sylvania, RCA, Tung-Sol or Ken-Rad will do nicely in the SupraTek preamp. I've also used Syl 5932, TS 5881, and RCA 6L6GC blk-plt. Mick uses the 7027a as regulator in his pre. I have several pairs of these but haven't gotten around to trying them out.
For 6SN7 try the RCA grey-glass, Sylvania VT-231, Sylvania 6SN7GT bottom-getter with green lettering, KEN-RAD black glass. There are many more but these are the most notable.