wyred 4 sound vs odyssey khartago

hi guys. anybody compared first-hand wyred 4 sound st-250 against odyssey khartago stereo power amps?
i'm running vintage thiel cs2 (aka cs2.0) and listen mostly to jazz, world, and ambient (in this order) and a little rock.
any feedback?
thanks, francesco
I'm not familiar with either amp, but let me remind all that these particular Thiels; the CS 2's are not that difficult a load:
Thiels specs: 2.87 DB/2.83V/m, 6 Ohms nominal/5 Ohms minimum, 40-250 Watts/channel recommended.
Stereophiles measurements (keep in mind that Stereophile has been unable to test Thiels at Thiel's recommended listening distance): http://www.stereophile.com/content/thiel-cs2-loudspeaker-measurements
Unsound, thankyou for bringing this info on the CS2's. I was under the impression they presented a difficult load.

04-02-12: Phd
Unsound, thankyou for bringing this info on the CS2's. I was under the impression they presented a difficult load.

Me too. But I gotta say, that impedance plot in the Stereophile review is about the most amplifier-friendly curve I've ever seen.