Recommend a 6922 input tube for CJ Premier 140

I have a Conrad Johnson Premier 140 amp due to arrive next week. Was looking for NOS 6922 / 7308 / 6DJ8 input tube recommendations from past and present owners of this amp. I have Amperex orange label 6DJ8's on hand, but looking for other options to compare.

The 6550's and 6N30's will be stock tubes for now, but I may eventually try the Tungsol 6550 current production power tubes.
Do you think it matters whether or not I get the Platinum variety with the matched triodes?

If they're quiet, then probably not. I was kinda surprised he has NOS Telefunkens. I'd be tempted by the Valvo 7308. I'm afraid the price on these will only go up.
Pdreher, I envy the fact that you only need 1 6922. I have CJ's ART preamp and it takes 10 of them.

You might want to wait until you have received your 140 and listen to it for a few days. That would give you a better idea as to what you want to change, voicing wise.

PS, I sent you an email.
I agree with Onemug and his suggestion. Wait until you receive the amp and get it settled into your system. After listening for a week or so, you should be able to get a feel of whether you want things warmer, leaner, faster etc. than the sound coming from the stock tubes that are in it. Decide from there what direction you want to go, and others can make tube suggestions from that point.