Amp for Thiel 3.7s

I am of the opinion that my Thiels never have sounded as good as when I heard them in the dealer driven by McIntosh MC501s. As power hungry as the Thiels are, I am in the market for a solid state high power amp or mono amps with at least 500w or so into 4 ohms. One of the key consideration is that the amp must not be bright but have a warmer character given the Thiels. I am thinking about BAT 600se, Pass 350.5 or perhaps monoblocks like the Parasound JC1s, 501s or Marantz Ma9S2. I hesitate to go to monoblocks though due to the sense that it is overkill and wonder if the extra expense, except the JC1s, is worth it. My preamp is the Modwright 36.5 which I have really liked. Interested in your opinions on these and other amps that I should consider.
I heard the 3.7's with a Mac and thought it sounded sublime.

A used Mac 602 would be a good fit and great bang for the buck. The JC1's probably sound nice but they run hot and are energy hogs.
If I had the Thiel 3.7's I would get a pair of Clayton M200 or M300 Class A amplifiers. They are built like a tank and sound like a hybrid between tubes and solid state. They are the best solid state amps without the incredible prices of many other so-called high end amps.

Mac 501's are excellent for the price especially. I think you have to spend alot more to get better sound. I've used them for several years with Thiel 3.6