2ch amp and HT receiver connected to same speakers

I listen to 95% music and 5% home theater. My 2ch system is a BAT pre and a Bryston amp, and I have an Integra receiver for theater. My BAT has a HT pass-through function, so that I can run my LR speakers off my Bryston amp. This setup causes a ground loop, however, and I've given up trying to eliminate it. So I wonder if I can connect both my 2ch amp and the LR outputs of my receiver to my speakers. Would this harm my amp (especially the Bryston)? Would it hurt the sound quality of my music? Thanks for any comments.
I'm still thinking to solve the ground loop. I've helped lots of buddies hook up using HT bypass, or just taking front preouts to an input on the preamp, then always setting it's volume control to the same position. It's hard for me to believe the ground loop cannot be solved.
regarding ground loop, have you tried an isolation xfrmr on your CATV (assuming that w HT bypass, you have a display that may be tied to the cable or sat co-ax)?
Good answer Swampwalker, this is the problem many times. Of course, the simple test is to have everything hooked up using the HT bypass, but with the incoming CATV from the wall disconnected from the system. If the hum is gone, an isolation transformer will solve the problem. A simple, inexpensive cure to the problem.
Thanks everyone for the helpful comments. Regarding the ground loop, I have all my equipment powered by the same dedicated circuit. I have also tried the Granite State Ground Control and a cheater plug with minimal effect. The only input to the HT receiver is my DVD player via HDMI. The HT receiver outputs to my Projector, also via HMDI, and to my 2ch preamp via RCA. Thanks for any other ideas!
Thanks everyone for the helpful comments. Regarding the ground loop, I have all my equipment powered by the same dedicated circuit. I have also tried the Granite State Ground Control and a cheater plug with minimal effect. The only input to the HT receiver is my DVD player via HDMI. The HT receiver outputs to my Projector, also via HMDI, and to my 2ch preamp via RCA. Thanks for any other ideas!

Try this simple test. When you can hear the HUM, simply walk to the wall (no place else. It HAS to be at the wall) and unscrew the coax CABLE at its very entrance to the room. If the HUM stops, then it is your incoming cable not being grounded.

If it does not then you have your work cut out for U.