Simon, - my bad! I tend to attribute everything to DSP forgetting that even simple analog filtering is form of signal processing.
As for class D - I believe that it is very good for the money (important to me). Opinions vary a lot. Some believe that class D is at reference level while others that class D is LO-FI.
Stereophile reviewed Bel Canto REF1000M (Icepower) ending review with this conclusion:
"The Bel Canto Ref1000 Mk.II can be compared with the cream of the other amps I've had in my system: the Classé CA-3200, Mark Levinson No.433, and Ayre Acoustics V-6xe. Each of these distinguishes itself in different ways, and particularly with different speakers. Because of this, I think I must keep the Bel Canto Ref1000 Mk.IIs as a reference amplifier—an easy decision even when based solely on its sound, but also: in my living room, none of the others can be so easily hidden in plain sight."
Class D amps might be very revealing showing shortcomings of the system but also might have better synergy with some speakers than others. Also, long break-in is most likely required. It took about 400 hours for my amp to sound best.
It is often said that Icepower sounds good only with linear power supplies. On the other hand newest linear class AB amps from Jeff Rowland (one costing $46k) use switching power supplies.
As for class D - I believe that it is very good for the money (important to me). Opinions vary a lot. Some believe that class D is at reference level while others that class D is LO-FI.
Stereophile reviewed Bel Canto REF1000M (Icepower) ending review with this conclusion:
"The Bel Canto Ref1000 Mk.II can be compared with the cream of the other amps I've had in my system: the Classé CA-3200, Mark Levinson No.433, and Ayre Acoustics V-6xe. Each of these distinguishes itself in different ways, and particularly with different speakers. Because of this, I think I must keep the Bel Canto Ref1000 Mk.IIs as a reference amplifier—an easy decision even when based solely on its sound, but also: in my living room, none of the others can be so easily hidden in plain sight."
Class D amps might be very revealing showing shortcomings of the system but also might have better synergy with some speakers than others. Also, long break-in is most likely required. It took about 400 hours for my amp to sound best.
It is often said that Icepower sounds good only with linear power supplies. On the other hand newest linear class AB amps from Jeff Rowland (one costing $46k) use switching power supplies.