The basic idea here is to rid a given product such as Mick's preamp from "ringing" due to microphonics, or a cd player from going into read error mode.
How exactly can a product such as this, designed for this purpose, limit the amplifiers innate current capabilities? It can't! That is simply impossible.
"Not conducive to the dynamic...structure"...audiotweak, completely misunderstands, the laws of physics here. A product that damps out microphonic energy and shunts rf, and stray energy fields, can in no way, actually limit the desired and stated, accurate output of the amplifier. The current capablility, stability of the amp, how it handles back emf from the speaker all play into that, but a device such as this would not, could not, in any way, limit the dynamic output of any amp, and therefore the "dynamic structure" of any music. This can only rid the product of unwanted vibrations which can in fact, negatively effect its intended output.
As I stated, Gryphon, a highly respected manufacturer, conrad johnson, and most great engineers try to achieve this interally. They recognize this problem and try to 'engineer' these dreaded issues out of their products. None of their solutions, "floating the chasis" in the instance of conrad, limit dynamic output, and neither does this.
So Mick/Supratek fans can improve the sound of their favorite preamp, eliminating the negatives by using such a device, and it is a relatively inexpensive thing to build.
Good listening,
Larry R. Staples