Thank you, thank, thank you for explanation !!!
This is EXACTLY the same philosophy of use Spectron in fully balanced configuration: cancelation of all distortions: even, odd, blue and read !!!
Per Simon Thacher of Spectron the KEY lies in the part quality - pure and simple.
Simon also is saying, and I am not sure if you will agree with him, that if we cancel distortions or actually greatly diminish them then the SOURCE of distortion is immaterial: it could be tube amp or transistor amp or class A or class WYZ - whatever; distortions are gone and so specific sonic characteristics of these amps also greatly diminished... and indeed, balanced monoblock Spectrons sound almost as good as Joule-Electra, I am in love with..
Incidently, Joule-Electra pre- and power amps may or may not have balanced input and/or output but internal processing is balanced ALSO (they use phase splitter).
Thank you again - I saw different pieces but could not put them together....
Thank you, thank, thank you for explanation !!!
This is EXACTLY the same philosophy of use Spectron in fully balanced configuration: cancelation of all distortions: even, odd, blue and read !!!
Per Simon Thacher of Spectron the KEY lies in the part quality - pure and simple.
Simon also is saying, and I am not sure if you will agree with him, that if we cancel distortions or actually greatly diminish them then the SOURCE of distortion is immaterial: it could be tube amp or transistor amp or class A or class WYZ - whatever; distortions are gone and so specific sonic characteristics of these amps also greatly diminished... and indeed, balanced monoblock Spectrons sound almost as good as Joule-Electra, I am in love with..
Incidently, Joule-Electra pre- and power amps may or may not have balanced input and/or output but internal processing is balanced ALSO (they use phase splitter).
Thank you again - I saw different pieces but could not put them together....