I have done a bit of research on the differences between the LS26 and LS27, trying to read between the lines but I really couldn't determine anything substantially different other than a beefier power supply and different parts. It seems the chassis is a little deeper as well but the circuit is basically the same. The LS27 also weighs less. As the owner of a 10 lb amp I don't hold much weight that weight matters but power supplies and filter capcitance sure do which usually add some weight. All accounts seem to attest that the LS27 is a step above the LS26 in listening impressions.
My question to Hifigeek1 as you seem to be quite familiar with the circuit designs of ARC products in general. Is there a REAL difference in the circuits between the LS26 and LS27 or just modest changes in parts and power supply? Your comments about the 6H30 tube and an improvement over the 6922, greater transconductance I presume which surely would benefit the sonics subjectively. I can only imagine if this tube were implemented in an SP-10 with its tube regulation and quite large power supply. This is MY point and Onhwy61's as well. I don't want to come across as bashing ARC, I'm not. A healthy ARC is a good thing for the audio industry but the point is that there really doesn't seem to me to be anything revolutionary over the past 25 years in the design of their products although there is little doubt that there have been incremental improvements based on refinements more than radical new approaches, outside the box thinking, if you will. Just curious on your thoughts.