Anybody tried KT120 tubes on Conrad Johnson amps?

I use a pair of Conrad Johnson Premier 8A mono blocks. I was using Svetlana 6550 tubes on it, I switched to Tungsol 6550. Then Tungsol announced KT120s. Tungsol says it is suitable for 6550 users, but CJ says use only 6550s. Did anybody have an idea?
Chris at Parts ConneXion recommended the new KT120's for my Power 2. I love the tubes and wrote a thread awhile back.
Chris seems to be very knowledgable about things audio as well as KT120's.kkurtis
HI Kkurtus,
What is a Power 2? How much did you pay for the KT120's and how many of them are in your amp? It's my understanding that they are significantly more expensive than good 6550's. Where did you buy them?

Are they better that your 6550's? In what way?

Sorry, lots of questions.

Sparky, not to sound argumentative; but I do not think that upgrading the caps in an amp is the same as swapping a non-spec'd power tube. Capacitor technology has improved significantly in the last 30 years, and there is little to no risk in replacing old caps with new ones of the same (or compatible) values. But that's not the same as a power tube substitution, which in many cases compromises the integrity of the system design.

I'm not implying that it should never be done, but in my book it's an all bets are off decision. I'm not interested in being an unpaid beta site with my good tube gear.
Br3098 I totally agree with you. Caps can make a huge difference and not all caps work well as coupling caps. There are caps I would use for crossovers that I would never use for coupling caps and vice versa. The bottom line is: all these tweeks, be it caps, or tubes, or speaker wire and interconnect cables are tone controls. Shaping the sound to the room and your taste.
I also want to upgrade my amplifers. I want to upgrade the capacitors, resistors and wiring. CJ announced they have capacitor upgrade C1 for old amplifiers. They ask 2000 Dollars for each amp. I think I will go for Mundorf caps. I used to have Unison Research S8 amp, I modified it with Mundorf caps, Japanese tantalum resistors, good wires and DACT attenuator. All this mods took the amp to another level. But it took about 300 hours for breaking-in, wich drowe me crazy.