Tube preamp for Pass Labs amp

I am considering changing around my system and I am interested in knowing what (tube) preamps would be a good match to Pass Amps. Any suggestions? Less than $3000 would be nice new or used.
You got to be very careful. Input impedance of most Pass Lab amps is realtively low so most tube preamps will have poor match with them.

I can recommend therefore Joule-Electra LA-150 Mk2 used (but latest generation) or new or demo, call them. This preamp has two outputs: one with realtively high impedance and another with relatively low impedance so you can match it with all power amps.
I'll echo the other two posts for the Calypso. I'm using one now with my XA-30.5 with great results.
>>02-08-11: Dob
most tube preamps will have poor match with them.<<

Totally erroneous.

Ignore this guy. Email Pass Labs or me for the truth.

Dealer disclaimr.
Audiofeil is absolutely right.
I suggest Aronsss to listen and better try on his setup the Lector ZOE .. kinda Italian tube preamp very and very good .. with huge possibility of tube swapping to get the latest flavour