Anyone heard Nuforce Reference 18's

I am interested in reports about the Nuforce Reference 18 mono amps,particularly in comparison with Nuforce Reference 9 V3SE's which I currently am enjoying.
I upgraded from the Nuforce Ref 9 V3se's to the Ref 18's. I have since changed to the Pass Labs XA30.5 which I regard as superior to both the Nuforces in my system (I have Sonus Faber Cremona M's).
Interesting. I have been eyeing the Pass Labs XA's but was concerned that the 30.5 would not have enough power to drive my speakers in a large room
Rothwea -- can you describe the differences you heard between the Ref 9s and Ref 18s? I was guessing they'd sound more alike than different, so would be very interesting to hear your thoughts.

Also, could you describe more specifically how the Pass Labs is superior? Thanks for any thoughts.