Preamp to match to McIntosh MC250

OK, I bought and upgraded a McIntosh MC250 power amp. I like the sound but am guessing that I am not getting the best out of it as I dont have a great preamp. I am using a 30+ year old SAE preamp/EQ which is decent and better than the HK3490 I was using but still probably lacking. I am curious as to if others have or previously had this amp and can recommend a good preamp. I am leaning to tube but not wedded to it. Used pricing $1500 or less would be ideal. Using with Ohm Walsh 100s3 for jazz, acoustic, Hawaiian, vocals, solo classical some 70-80s rock.
Thanks for suggestions.
Terry DeWick did it and did a great job for a good price. Very honest guy well known on this board for being THE Mcintosh guru and a straight shooter. Super straight shooter and very practical and fair, i.e. he wont fix that which doesnt need fixing so youre not blowing $$. He lives in Franklin TN.
Thought I would update this. Presently using a Luminous Audio passive pre with the MC250 after messing with a variety of things. Absolutely I took off a filter from the system. FOr $50 used off Ebay it is one of the best things I have done. Very clean, bass increased, detail increased, slightly warm sounding as I expected but wasnt really hearing. A bit of a pain in the ass to turn the power amp on and off with a strip but it works. Strangely I get intermitten transients when I turn on the amp...not consistent. Love to fix that but otherwise I like it.
I drive mine with a McIntosh C34V in my second system - great preamp with lots of flexibility and, as Mdegeorgis said, keep it in good shape and you'll always get your money back if you change your mind.