Jolida 302 b disaster

So it appears that my jolida 302b's power switch is going. Sometimes it works and sometimes it shuts down shortly after powering up. This started right after I sent the unit into jolida to have the factory mods done and have the RCAs replaced. I contacted jolida and they said they'd send a replacement switch but no sign of it after a week. Once i get the switch i still don't know what to do with it.
Is there anyone who lives in the madison, wi area or knows someone in the area who would know how to replace the switch. I am aware of paragon in madison but would rather not have the work done there.
Does this seem like this is Jolida's fault or should I assume it's unrelated to the recent work done? Any suggestions as to what I should do?
Fixed problem. Took apart switch and bent the contacts back to make contact. Easy.
Jolida 302 does not have bleeder resistors, just like most Chinese amps.
Power up with no tubes and it will store B+ almost forever :)
So the switch finally died. Jolida sent me a new one. This new switch has six pins on the back as opposed to the four on the old switch. What do I do? Will this switch work? Ugh!
so here are some pictures of the gutty works. any help is greatly appreciated!!
Does the old switch have no light and the new one has a light (power on)? Just a guess.