Which amp for Cary SLP 05

Recently I purchased a Cary SLP 05 in nearly mint condition from one of my friends, I own a pair of Vienna accoustic Haydn Bookshelf speaker and intend to buy an amp which matches with SLP, My budget is around 4000-6000USD. I usually listen to jazz,blues,some classics and new age. The listening area is around 20m2.
The choices available in my town are: Bryston,Passlabs,Unison research,ARC,Vincent audio and in near future also moon.maybe in future if I have enough space I will upgrade my speakers to Focal electras 1028 so I think I should spend a little for an amp so that I can use it also later.
What would you suggest to be the best amp for my system?
I use an SLP-05 with a CAD 120s, typically with Nola Viper II's. I love the combination, and the ability to switch between triode and ultralinear for different music types is almost like having two systems in one. I have all stock tubes in both at this point, so I'm looking forward to doing some tube upgrades. I can recommend the CAD 120s as a good pairing with the SLP-05.
I think thehousesound said it best. Get your speakers first, given them time to break in, and then decide what your amp needs are.
I love tube components and the 6SN7 family. My concern with this premap is the output impedance of 400. I question the ability of any preamp with an output impedance that high being capable of delivering the bass correctly (tight with speed and timbre delineation) when compared with a preamp with say a 100 or less output impedance. I have been on a bit of a preamp merry go round recently and have heard the following in my system: CAT SL Ultimate MK2 (output impedance 100), Symphonic Line tubed (output impedance 100), Symphonic Line SS preamp (output impedance 1!), NAT Audio Utopia tubed (current king of the heap, output impedance 50) and a Ming DA 2A3 with I believe about a 600 ohm output impedance. I am betting the Ming DA sounds most like the Cary SL-05. It is a fantasic sounding preamp with incredible presence and transparency but (only) when compared directly to the others do you realize that the bass is sloppy. The difference between the SL tubed (100) and SL SS (1) is audible in the bass. I still like the tubed pres presentation better than the SS but once you start getting above 100 ohm output impedance the bass suffers noticeably. I am still tempted to try the Cary SL-05. I would love to hear a reply to this regarding bass performance from someone that has actually compared it to a preamp with a low output impedance.

Hi Littleleo,

I realize this reply may come as too late but I'd thought I'd pen it anyway.

I own the Cary SLP-05 pre-amp and I think the world of it. I have owned the CAD 120S and thought the pairing was just so-so. More recently I have tried a number of solid state power amplifiers and I found particular success with the Sanders Magtech which I wrote about here

Hope this helps and you find what you are looking for.