Speakers for Musical Fidelity M3i

I have recently purchased Musical Fidelity M3i.I am waiting for them to be shipped from Malaysia.I would like to understand if Epos Elan or Epic series is a good match.I prefer stand mounts as my room is only 12*10 ft.
Music preferences ..Vocals (70%) ,Instrumentals (30%).
Thanks for your help ...
Take a look at the Monitor Audio Pl-200. It can be used for a very small room. I is made to be unnest and placed near the wall. In his price Tag it is the best 3d holographic speaker I heard so far. Monitor Audio and Musical Fidelity is a dream combination in sound. Read the article of the Pl-200 in the Stereophile. In germany it was even beter tested as the new B&W 804D.
@Bo1972..these speakers are way over my bugdet
I will need something under 1200$.So i was looking for epos epic 2 or epic 5 or elan 15.
These are the speakers I've heard with that amp that I thought were a nice match:

Dynaudio x-12 - excellent

ATC scm-11 - excellent

Silverline Minuet - good sounding but maybe too small for your room

Amphion Argon - more than $1,200 new, but less than that if you can find them used - excellent match

Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1 - very good
I'm running some Epic 1's with my M3i. I'm very satisfied with the combination, but that said, I've only heard this amp with some PSB Alphas and NHT Absolute Zeros in this setup. The Epics are easily the best match.
Silver RX series of Monitor Audio are great. In this pricetag they are the most less coloured speaker at the market. Take a listen.