Pre Amp with top class phono stage?

What pre-amps are there out there with an on board phono stage which is as good as a top class stand alone unit?
The Halcro DM10 preamp has a superb phono-stage with fully adjustable loadings and capacitance values for MM/MI cartridges as well as handling the very lowest output MC cartridges.
Expensive and hard to find but that wasn't your question?
Oh.....and I disagree with Stanwal's generalisation.
A well-designed built-in phono stage will beat a well designed separate phono stage (all things being equal).
As Atmasphere has correctly said here.......if a change of interconnect cables changes the sound of the outboard phono-stage, it can't be a good thing.......can it?
Joule Electra LAP150 Mk II. The phono adds a separate PS unit but it is otherwise integrated into a full function pre with remote even. Very musical phono stage - you will not be disappointed.

McIntosh C2300 has a very nice sounding MM and MC phono stage.Very flexible on-the-fly set-up and adjustability for different cartridges all by remote.