High-end amplifier clarification?

At what point do you consider an amplifier high-end? And, why? What is a good example of a non-high end amp that just misses being high-end? Also, what is an example of an amplifier that just makes it into your high-end rankings?
If the editors and columnists of TAS or Stereophile refer to the designer of the amp by first name, the amp is high-end. ;)
The amp must have at least one end 3 feet off the floor; this classification method is as accurate as any other you are likely to find. High End is in the ear of the beholder and nowhere else.
How long is a piece of string? I really beleive it comes down to a relativity answer. To some it is a Marantz, to other is its FM Acoustics. I think it is one that is bought at a good stereo store not at Best Buy. One that has a price tag that is just at the crest of your budget.
For me it is "brand X' that is in my system. I omit the brand to avoid the criticism that usually occompanies the mere mention of the brand. Buy what trips your trigger.